Friday, January 28, 2011

All The World's A Stage, And All The Players Merely iPhone And iPad Cases

With over 100,000 iPhone and more than 70,000 iPad designs in the Zazzle marketplace finding or recommending a new custom Speck case design can prove a challenge.

A new Squidoo lens provides a set of search tools with a much wider choice of themes than the Zazzle promotional pages offer. An ideal starting point to explore the range of case designs in a systematic way.

Even if you don't have an iPhone or iPad stop by and have a look at the visual exhibit - It's a stage with props, actors and orchestra pit and is made entirely of iPhone and iPad cases.

As William Shakespeare might have written it, in a modern version of As You Like It - "All the world's a stage, and all the players merely iPhone and iPad cases"

Click on the image below to pay a visit to the Stage and the Search features

IPhone and iPad Custom Design Speck Cases